Just Love Me
The Tenth Muse1

What on earth had he been thinking? Groaning, Adam straightened up and tried to ignore the soreness pressing through his back muscles. It had been complete and utter stupidity to think that not only could he keep up with someone fifteen years his younger, but also mutant enhanced. Jesse and Brennan had probably both thought him insane. He had been insane and now he was paying for it.


Adam looked over at the soft query and managed a smile for the young woman who stood looking into his office. Her dark eyes were worried so he assured her, "I'm fine."

Frowning, Emma observed, "You don't look fine. You look like you're in pain."

"That's because I am. Too many sit-ups," Adam admitted wryly. "Nothing that won't cure me of future idiocy."

A smile graced Emma's face and she stepped further inside saying, "I've never noticed men to learn from mistakes before."

"That's a little harsh, don't you think?" Adam asked, trying to get comfortable and not succeeding.

"Is it untrue?" she countered, stepping behind him and starting to rub his shoulders.

For someone with such small hands, Emma was amazingly good at back-rubs. Adam had discovered this several weeks ago during an all night research session. His head lolled forward and he groaned at the strong touch. "Thank you."

A soft chuckle sounded and she asked, "Care to tell me why you're in such bad straits?"

This time the groan was only one of remembering his own stupidity. "I was trying to keep up with Jesse and Brennan in the gym yesterday."


"I know, I know. You don't even have to say it," Adam said, leaning into the massage.


Good question. He knew the answer but their entire team was still so newly formed that there was no way he could reply. Adam didn't want anything interfering with the balance of the group and anyone pairing off just now would do exactly that. Even if...Adam pushed the wistful thought firmly out of his mind. "Attempting to be the alpha male?"

A gentle snort of disbelief echoed through the office. "And I believe you, too."

He chuckled and fell silent, relishing the easy contact between them. He'd spent a great deal of his time in a lab, most of his life in fact, and this entire experience was still new to him. The fact that Emma was offering him simple, friendly comfort and he could take it without feeling constrained or pressured was incredible to him.

No one made anything of the fact that he wasn't a mutant. He was part of the team; he led them in every other aspect. Most of the time he led them in that aspect as well, offering insight and advice into their special abilities that they hadn't thought of on their own. They were all so young that sometimes he felt like a father figure. All right, if he were honest, pretty much all of the time that was how he felt. And except for one instance, it was a wonderful role for him to fulfill.

It was just that one instance.

Moaning in pleasure as Emma hit a particularly painful knot, Adam slumped forward on the desk, boneless as Jell-o. "God! Emma! That's...that's incredible!"

Her voice was low as she replied, "Glad you liked it. How about this?"

When her fingers reached his neck and began a deep, intensive massage, Adam moaned again.

"I'll take that as 'thank you'," she teased, kissing the back of his head.

"Please do," he croaked, almost unable to speak. If this was what awaited him after such a stupid act, he would never learn his lesson.

"You get so little from us in return, Adam. I'm glad I could do this for you," she murmured.

He reached up and stilled one of the hands, slowly turning to face her. "You give me a life, Emma, a purpose, all of you. Trust me when I say that nothing else is needed. Especially not this."

"I didn't do this just as thanks, silly. I liked it too," Emma assured him, a smile on her pixie-like face.

Adam grinned. "As long as that's clear then."


"All right then. Why don't you go on with whatever you were doing before I dragged you in here," Adam suggested.

"You hardly dragged me," she pointed out. "But Shalimar is expecting me so I shouldn't keep her waiting any longer."

"Go on. Have fun for the old geezer," Adam teased lightly.

She made a face at his comment and left the room. He stared at the open doorway for a long moment then returned to his paperwork. It was a great way to start the day but there was a lot to do.

* * * *

Brennan ducked behind the nearest corner just in time. Emma walked by with a big grin on her face looking for all the world like she'd just gotten something that made her very happy. Anger flushed through him as he thought about what he'd just overheard. How could Adam do something like that? All this time, Brennan had thought Adam was different. He'd thought Adam was trustworthy and honorable and all that shit.

Just goes to show you can't trust anyone, he thought, staring viciously down the hall to Adam's office.

He'd been on his way to see how Adam was doing after the previous night's workout. He'd figured that Adam would be in some serious pain and was going to offer his somewhat limited services as a masseuse. Okay sure, it had been a lame excuse to get his hands on the otherwise untouchable Adam but it would have worked.

Only what does he find when he gets there? He hears Adam and Emma going at it! His ears had started burning at the first moan from Adam. It had gone right through him, straight to his dick. Disbelief had kept him immobile and then he'd heard another one and a different kind of heat had gone through him. A faint spark had sizzled along his fingertips before Brennan remembered to pull it back. He'd stood there, at the barely open door to Adam's office, mind going from numbed disbelief to shock to anger.

Glancing around the corner again, Brennan saw the corridor deserted and moved towards the office. He didn't know what he was going to say but he was sure as hell going to let Adam know what he thought of taking advantage of Emma's giving nature! Part of him was curious as to what a satisfied Adam would look like so he peered carefully into the office.

To his great surprise, Adam was sitting at his desk with a wistful expression on his face. He didn't look like someone who'd just had sex at all, let alone good sex, which it had to be from the noises Brennan had heard. Adam looked tired. Not so much physically, though there was that, but more like he needed to sleep for a month to forget his problems.

The anger died a swift death upon seeing that expression and Brennan sighed softly as he pulled away. Adam got so little in the way of honest pleasure. Who was he to say anything when it had obviously been consenting, on both sides from the grin on Emma's face as she walked by.

Still, there was something inside him that wished it could have been him to give Adam that honest pleasure.

* * * *

"What's with you?"

Brennan looked up at Jesse's approach and shrugged. "Nothing. Why? What's up?"

The lithe blond hopped up on the counter to sit beside Brennan. "C'mon Bren. I can feel those brown eyes of yours lowering to Bassett Hound level. Something's wrong. Fess up."

Irritated, Brennan answered, "Nothing I want to talk to you about."

"Ouch. Hostile much?" Jesse asked, blue eyes widening in surprise.

Sighing, Brennan ran a hand through thick dark hair, making it wilder than it already was. "Sorry Jesse. Just got things on my mind."

"So I see. C'mon. Let's go out. This place is a tomb," Jesse suggested.

Eyeing Jesse thoughtfully, Brennan agreed, "All right. But I get to pick the club."

"Sounds like a plan to me! Let's go!"

* * * *

Jesse looked around at the darkened club and moved involuntarily to the loud beat. He'd never been to this place before and it looked hot! There had been a line out the door but the bouncer had just grinned at Brennan and waved them through. He'd heard the disappointed grumbles of the people left outside and grinned.

"Where'd you find this place?" Jesse shouted over the din, following Brennan to the bar.

"It's an old hangout," Brennan shouted back. He nodded and grinned at the bartender who winked back.

"You haven't been around in ages Brennan! Where you been hiding?" the bartended demanded with a pout.

A pout? Jesse's eyebrows raised as he watched Brennan start flirting with the bartender. This was definitely not something he'd have guessed about his friend. Shrugging, Jesse accepted the free drink and turned to look at the dance floor. Oh yeah. This would be why he'd never heard of the club. The couples dancing there were mostly men with a few women mingling.

"You all right with this?" Brennan asked, practically breathing into his ear.

Jesse looked at the taller man with a faint smile. He reached up and pulled Brennan to his level so he could speak without shouting. "Long as you're not looking my way for any action, it doesn't matter to me."

A relieved grin surfaced and Brennan said, "I didn't think it would but I wasn't positive."

Jesse swung his hips around to the beat with a grin. "Care to dance?"

Grinning right back, Brennan answered, "Thought you'd never ask!"

* * * *

"You look comfortable," Adam commented, moving quietly into the rec room.

Shalimar looked up from her magazine and smiled. "It's nice and quiet so I thought I'd take advantage."

Frowning as though realizing just how quiet things were, Adam asked, "Where is everyone?"

"Emma was tired so I sent her to bed. Jesse and Brennan went out clubbing."

"Clubbing? And you didn't stop them?" Adam demanded.

Frowning, Shalimar asked, "Why would I?"

"It didn't occur to you that it might not be safe for something like that?"

"Adam, they're together. If something happens, which I doubt, they can handle it," Shalimar said firmly. "Don't worry."

Rubbing his eyes tiredly, Adam said, "I hate it when someone says that. It usually means something bad is going to happen."

Smiling, Shalimar patted the space beside her. "I think you need to relax a little, Adam. You've been working too hard lately."

"I still have to find a way to..."

"Not at almost two a.m. you don't," Shalimar interrupted firmly. She grabbed his shirt and pulled him onto the couch. "Even Eckhart gets his rest."

Snorting, Adam let her pull him down onto the couch. Was there something about him that made the women want to cuddle him or something? Although in Shalimar's case, being a Feral, she included him with her 'pack' so of course she'd want to take care of him.

"You stay here. I'm going to get you something to drink. You're going to relax if it kills you," Shalimar ordered.

Grinning openly at the statement, Adam let his head fall back onto the cushions and closed his eyes. Maybe a short break wouldn't hurt. He'd been trying to refine that tracking process all day and his eyes were about ready to seal shut in protest. He heard footsteps but they weren't Shalimar's so he lifted his head to look. Brennan was passing by the rec room, a little unsteadily, but definitely in one piece. Relief went through him and he closed his eyes again, leaning back against the couch.


Startled that Brennan hadn't continued on, Adam's eyes snapped open and he found Brennan staring down at him with an odd expression. Smiling, Adam asked, "Did you have a good time?"

Brennan sat on the couch, half turned towards him. "We did. Jesse decided to stay out with some old friends of mine. They're all right though, you don't have to worry about him getting into trouble."

Adam's smile broadened at the hasty reassurance. His eyes drifted past the young man to Shalimar standing in the doorway with his drink. He waved her away with a nod of thanks and she smiled in return, heading back the way she came. "I trust you, Brennan. I know you wouldn't do anything to put Jesse in danger."

Dark eyes stared at him intensely. "Do you? Do you really trust me?"

His smile fading, Adam nodded. "Of course I do. Why would you think otherwise?"

Brennan looked away. "I don't have the most reputable past: liar, thief, arrogant punk bastard. And those are some of the nicer things I've been called."

"Perhaps. But you've changed. We all have," Adam said slowly. Something was obviously bothering the younger man and Adam knew he'd have to draw it out. Brennan wasn't the sort to blurt out everything he felt, especially if he felt it deeply. "I think we've changed for the better."

Those dark eyes shifted back to Adam again and Brennan demanded softly, "Have we? How do you know? How do you know, really, that I didn't just come home from selling Jesse to Eckhart? Or worse, to some black marketeer looking for an in on the biogenetics market?"

Staring at Brennan thoughtfully, Adam replied, "Because I know you, Brennan. We've fought and lived together for a while now and that gives you a chance to know someone pretty well. This isn't about whether or not I trust you, though. Something's happened to shake your trust in me. What is it?"

* * * *

Brennan had forgotten just how sharp Adam was, maybe his sense of self preservation had faded with the alcohol. This was a dangerous topic and one he knew better than to broach with the older man. Or at least he should have. "How do you feel about getting into a relationship with one of the others? I mean, it's not like we have a lot of options being Mutants."

He could see that the question threw Adam and was grateful. Anything to shake Adam off the scent of what he was really trying to find out.

"Hypothetically speaking or is this about someone specific?" Adam asked carefully.

Brazening it out, Brennan lifted his chin and said, "Someone specific."

"I see."

Adam stood and paced a short distance away. He stared at the bookshelves for a long moment before turning back to Brennan, dark eyes unreadable. "I rather expected it to happen sooner or later but to be honest, I'd hoped for later. I wanted us to become a team first, all of us. I don't think that it's a bad thing, Brennan. It's just bad timing. You're all still learning about yourselves and your powers. Any romantic entanglements that go awry just now could be damaging to the group as a whole."

Romantic entanglements. Brennan snorted. "So just having sex is okay then."

Obviously startled, again, Adam replied, "I didn't mean that. Brennan. Look, if there are two people on the team who have...gotten together...whether for a relationship or just sex, there's nothing you can do about it. If it doesn't work out then we'll deal with the fallout. Until then, their decision has to be respected, especially if they aren't ready to share the relationship with everyone else."

Wishing that he'd never brought it up, Brennan stared at Adam as the older man stared back. The worried expression on his face made Brennan feel like a total jerk. Obviously Emma and Adam weren't ready to let everyone in on the relationship. Adam was trying to protect the group in case things didn't work out. From what he'd just said, the thing with Emma had just...happened. It hadn't been anything Adam had sought out.

"What has this to do with trusting me?" Adam asked suddenly.

Standing, Brennan walked over to Adam and briefly squeezed the other man's shoulder, looking down at Adam's earnest face. This was a man who had given him a home and a new life, how could he be angry that he'd found something good? "Nothing. It's nothing Adam, honest. I think I just had too much to drink. I should get to bed."

* * * *

It was one of their strangest conversations to date and Adam sincerely hoped that it was the alcohol. He smiled faintly as he looked up at Brennan and agreed, "That's probably a good idea. I should do the same. C'mon, I'll walk you up."

Brennan's lips quirked into a brief grin as he nodded. They fell into step easily together for all their difference in height. There was something about being in Adam's company that relaxed Brennan and caused him to walk slower, easier. It didn't take long to reach his quarters and he paused at the door, uncertain of what he should say. Awkwardly, he finally said, "You should be happy you know."

A dark eyebrow arched as Adam asked with obvious fondness, "About what?"

Winking, Brennan replied, "Just be happy, Adam, okay?"

Smiling, Adam nodded and said, "I'll try. Sleep well, Brennan."

"Thanks. Good night."

* * * *

He moved forward aggressively, pinning the other man against the wall with his body. Taking the other man's wrists in a strong grip, he held them to the side even as the other struggled to get away. His words protested but his body was another story. The dark eyes were closed and, when not speaking, the mouth was half-open as though waiting to be kissed.

Leaning down, he kissed that half-open mouth, plundering it with all his need and desire. Pushing his tongue into the wet heat, he sucked on the mouth beneath his. Electricity sizzled on more than one level as he ground his hips into the almost pliant body. A familiar moan rang through the air and finally, finally there was a response.

The arms were struggling towards him now, instead of trying to push him away. Releasing the wrists, he reached behind and down, grasping a strong thigh in one hand and tangling his other in the soft dark hair. The leg obediently hitched up and around him, yanking him closer. Close enough to feel an echoing hardness through the cloth that separated them. Not for much fucking longer.

Growling, he tore at the cloth but it resisted his efforts to bare the skin waiting for his touch. Strong arms encircled his neck, pulling him down for a demanding kiss while rocking their hips together. It was too much. He'd wanted it almost from their first meeting. Another moan escaped, this time into his mouth and he shuddered as pleasure ran through him. Frantic to feel the other man come, he slid a hand down the back of the nearly skin-tight pants and slipped a finger between the crack.

It did the trick. The moan was loud and long and drawn out as it spilled into his mouth while come stained both their clothing. His mouth turned tender, trying to show the love that was buried. Trailing his lips down the side of the other man's throat, he nibbled on the pulse beating heavily at the base. His name was whispered and just as he was raising his head to look into those slowly opening eyes...

* * * *

"Holy shit!"

Emma fumbled for the light switch, breathing heavily as the emotions poured over her. She was sweaty and slick both inside and out from the intensity of the climax she'd accidentally experienced. Whose dream had it been? Focusing as Adam had taught her, Emma caught the first wisp of identity when a pounding sounded on her door, shattering her concentration. Irritated, she called out, "What?"

"It's me. You okay?" Shalimar asked opening the door.

Groaning to herself as she looked at the clock and saw how late she was, Emma answered, "Fine."

"You sure?"

"Positive. I'll be down in a bit."

Golden eyes smiled at her as Shalimar blew her a kiss and said, "All right. See you then."

Flopping back against her pillows, Emma restlessly shifted under the covers then tossed them off altogether. Should she talk to Adam about it? What if it had been Adam having the dream? She shivered as an erotic memory flushed through her. Whoever it was, he was in serious need and if it wasn't taken care of, Emma knew that it would start to affect the whole group. It was too intense to remain hidden for long.

* * * *

The morning meeting was short and Emma noticed that Adam and Brennan were both slightly off their game. If she hadn't had that dream, she probably wouldn't have noticed anything at all. Every so often, Brennan would look at Adam and then her and sigh faintly, his lips tightening as though trying not to say anything. Adam looked tired and seemed to go over the results of his previous day's work with only half his usual attention.

She looked at Shalimar who shrugged faintly as if to say, 'Beats me.' When Adam paused, Emma spoke up. "Adam."

His dark eyes looked at her and suddenly she found herself in a different position. She felt taller, bigger than Adam, and her eyes flashed to Brennan, suddenly knowing that the dream had been his.

"Emma? Something wrong?" Adam prompted.

Trying to keep firmly in her own mind, Emma nodded and said, "You want us to be honest with each other, right? No matter how awkward things might get? It's better to have everything out in the open because we trust each other."

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Brennan straighten with interest and didn't miss the sudden tension in Adam as the older man replied, "That's right."

"Good. I ah, I accidentally intruded on someone's dream this morning and since it was about feelings for another team member, I don't think I should keep quiet," Emma said.

Both Adam and Brennan froze. Oh yeah. Definitely a problem if they didn't nip this in the bud. Meeting Shalimar's eyes, she stood and said, "C'mon Shalimar. We should leave them to work this out."

For some reason, Shalimar didn't look the least bit surprised. Actually, the hint of a smile played on her face as she stood and joined Emma at the door.

"Emma, wait. What was the dream about?" Adam called.

Turning back, she smiled and suggested, "Ask Brennan."

* * * *

Adam glanced at Brennan, confused. "What was the dream about?"

Brennan looked like a deer caught in headlights, which was an odd look for someone of his size. Shaking his head, the young man said, "It's not a good idea for me to talk about this, Adam."

Worried now, Adam leaned across the table and said, "You can tell me, Brennan, I won't judge you."

Snorting quietly, Brennan replied, "Want to bet?"

"I'm your friend, Brennan. Please tell me," Adam asked. Scowling, Brennan stood and walked towards the door. Without thinking, Adam followed quickly, grabbing Brennan's arm to stop him. Suddenly, Adam found himself spun around and pushed into the wall, strong arms pinning him there. Looking up into eyes almost feral with lust, he knew what the dream had been about and his cock surged with need. "I didn't know."

Practically snarling, Brennan answered, "Because you're my friend, Adam. And because you and Emma are involved. I wouldn't have ever let you know if she hadn't interfered."

"Emma? Where did you get that idea?" Adam demanded.

"Because I heard the two of you! Yesterday morning. In your office."

Adam suddenly knew what Brennan was talking about and shook his head. "She was giving me a back-rub because I'd overdone it with you and Jesse in the gym."

"A back-rub?" Brennan repeated blankly.

Looking up into Brennan's dark eyes, Adam nodded slowly. "There's nothing going on between Emma and me."

Brennan swallowed heavily against the dryness in his throat and the unadulterated relief flooding him. Adam's mouth was parted, just as in the dream, and he lowered to reach it, sucking gently on the soft morsel. Adam's breathing grew harsh in his ears as Brennan continued to nibble and worry the lower lip with his teeth and mouth. He could feel Adam's hardness pressing against his thigh and pressed more firmly against the other man so his own hard-on was felt.

A shudder ran through the older man and his head fell back, exposing his throat. It was a territory Brennan suddenly had to explore and his tongue traced along the side, down to the pulse beating strongly at the base. He latched onto the skin there and sucked hard, marking Adam as his in a surge of possessiveness. Then he pulled back and plundered Adam's mouth in earnest.

"God, Brennan," Adam murmured when they parted for breath. His head fell forward, resting on Brennan's chest as his arms tightened almost painfully around Brennan's waist.

Brennan suddenly knew what Adam was going to do. He was going to try and stop this from happening. He was going to say something like they couldn't get involved because of group dynamics or how he was only using Adam as a substitute because he couldn't go outside MutantX. He wouldn't put it past Adam to bring up their age differences because Brennan knew Adam was scared and trying to fight this.

Well. There was only one sure way to stop Adam from talking and ruining this before they even had a chance to start. Make sure his mouth was otherwise occupied.

Brennan stepped back and walked to the door. Adam didn't move from his spot against the wall, instead watching him closely. Brennan deliberately shut and locked the door then turned back to face Adam. As expected, the older man looked troubled, not to mention slightly panicky. Not giving the other man a chance to dwell too long on thing, Brennan crossed back and pulled Adam into his arms and sealed their mouths together.

It was very like the dream. Adam was struggling against him but only so he could talk, he wasn't actually trying to get away. No way in hell Brennan was going to let that tongue free to form words. Sliding his hands to Adam's waist, he backed the other man towards the table in a dance-like move. His tongue delved over and over into the warmth of Adam's mouth and he tasted the sweetness buried there eagerly, desperate for more.

Adam was gasping into his mouth, striving to breathe and continue the contact simultaneously. Brennan had to give him an A for effort, if not success. By the time he backed Adam against the table, they were frantically rubbing against each other, despite the height difference. Brennan grabbed Adam's leg and yanked it up, not caring that they were still clothed. He was desperate to make Adam come, desperate to make this man feel good.

One of Adam's hands pulled Brennan's shirt up and gripped his back tightly. Brennan murmured his approval, especially when the leg around his hip tightened, bringing them harder together. Leaning over Adam, he braced his hands on the table and began thrusting against the other man in earnest, lining up their erections instinctively.

Adam was pushing up against his hips with more strength than Brennan had suspected him of. God he was so close, so close to coming and he wanted Adam there with him. Almost as though he'd spoken the words out loud, and maybe he had, Adam stopped. He went utterly and completely still, pulling his mouth from Brennan's and hiding his face against his chest. Breathing as though he'd just run a marathon, Brennan growled in agonized frustration but forced himself to stop pushing against Adam.

After a long, silent moment, he found enough breath to whisper, "What's wrong?"

"I-I can't, Brennan, this is wrong," Adam whispered back.

Groaning, Brennan leaned back just enough to look into Adam's dark eyes but didn't pull away. "What is?"

"This, me, I can't..." Adam trailed off.

A wave of bleak humor struck him when he realized that for the first time since they'd met, Adam was speechless. Breathing deeply, Brennan pressed a soft kiss to Adam's forehead. He was pretty sure that he knew what the real problem was and emotion threatened to stop his words. "Why? Why is it wrong for you to be happy Adam?"

"It's not that."

Brennan snorted at the words mumbled into his shirt. "Right."

Adam looked up and said, "You deserve more than me."

Brennan's jaw dropped. He'd heard Adam's self-deprecation on more than one occasion, he knew the way he focused only on what the rest of them needed and not what he did. The man's quiet, unassuming nature was something that they all took for granted but Brennan hadn't thought...he didn't know what he thought. "Why? What are you talking about?"

Sighing, Adam said, "Can we talk about this without ah, this much body contact?"

Brennan caught the leg before it could slide down and shook his head almost angrily. "No way. Adam. I want you, so bad, and I know you want me so where is the problem?"

"The problem is that I care about you Brennan." Adam's mouth quirked into a faint grin. "So bad."

Brennan's attitude softened a little and he leaned forward to press his lips to Adam's cheek. "I don't see that as a bad thing."

"I do. Already I've...my judgement isn't as clear as it should be around you," Adam said. "If I hesitate, it could kill you or the others."

Pursing his lips thoughtfully, Brennan said, "Let me ask you something." Adam nodded as though it was the most natural thing to be intimately pressed together while having a conversation. Brennan hid a grin and continued, "If you're already having these problems, how could it get worse if we get physically involved? I mean, you're already emotionally there, right? And if that's the case, then the damage is already done."

Chuckling, Adam shook his head and said, "I should've known you'd find the simplest argument possible."

"Ah, but I'm right, aren't I?" Brennan countered with a grin. He knew that tone, he knew that he was almost all the way there. Just one more card to play.

"It doesn't matter if you are. I can't compromise you and the others because of how I feel about you."

"Then don't," Brennan said simply. "Just love me like I love you and let the rest take care of itself."

Stunned surprise echoed through Adam's dark eyes as he took in Brennan's words. "You ah, you love me?"

Brennan captured Adam's mouth in a long sweet kiss then said, "Have for quite a while now. It really ticked me off when I thought you and Emma were together."

A smile edged out the shocked look on Adam's face as he looked up into Brennan's eyes. "Oh it did?"

Nuzzling just under Adam's ears, Brennan nodded. "You don't think that I'd spend that much time in the lab with you if I didn't love you, do you?"

This time Adam laughed outright, dark eyes sparkling. "I thought you were trying to learn some new skills."

Grinning unrepentantly, Brennan confirmed, "Oh I was. It just had nothing to do with science. More like observing the enigmatic and elusive Adam in his natural habitat."

"I see," Adam murmured.

The air between them recharged and it had nothing to do with Brennan's elemental nature. Adam reached up and laced his fingers together against the back of Brennan's neck, pulling him in for another, longer kiss. Now that he could concentrate completely on the man before him, Brennan slipped one hand around Adam's waist to bring them closer together. He had softened during their brief discussion but the long, wet, drawn out kisses were bringing him back really damn fast.

Of course from the pressure suddenly increasing against him, Brennan knew that he wasn't the only one. Smiling against Adam's lips, he slowly rocked into the other man, enjoying the gasp of surprise and pleasure it evoked. The leg hooked over his hip tightened unexpectedly and Adam's hands squeezed and kneaded Brennan's shoulders.

The hand that had grasped Adam's waist slid under the belt and fabric to massage the firm flesh and Adam jerked suddenly against Brennan. Heat stoked higher, scorching him, causing him to hold tight with his free hand to the table. The slow kisses were gone, replaced by Adam's strong and demanding tongue in his mouth. Moaning into the other man's mouth, Brennan surged closer to release but again, didn't want to fall alone. He pulled Adam up, and the other leg twined around his waist, locking with the first.

Brennan now supported Adam completely with his strength, holding the smaller man tight as he ground down on the other man. But even though that was the case, Brennan felt surrounded and protected by the man loving him, needing him. From the way Adam's hips were snapping up, Brennan knew he was just as close and worked one finger into the crack of Adam's ass. Grunting in need, Adam's hands were suddenly under Brennan's shirt, blunt nails raking fire across his back trying to get closer. Brennan rubbed desperately against Adam's cock, rushing fiercely towards orgasm.

It happened suddenly, unexpectedly, and Brennan froze, arched painfully and exquisitely against Adam as the other man groaned his own release into Brennan's mouth, wrapped as completely around Brennan as possible. Adam buried his face in the crook of Brennan's neck, his lips pressed to the bared skin. They stayed that way for several minutes as breathing and pounding hearts slowly returned to normal.

Finally Adam's legs unlocked and unsteadily touched the floor. Brennan got his first look at a post-orgasmic Adam and his own knees weakened. There was a peace in the brown eyes staring at him that Brennan had never before seen. The tension always in evident was completely gone and he was astounded by the fact that it had been him to banish it. His love for this incredible man flooded through him and he captured the passion-bruised lips in a tender kiss, pulling back to murmur, "I love you."

Adam smiled up at him and said, "I love you."

* * * *

"Emma deLauro! Tell me you're not spying on them!" Shalimar hissed.

A huge smile on her face as Emma returned her awareness to her body, she replied, "I could tell you that, but I'd be lying."

Stretching out on the bed beside the smaller woman, Shalimar shook her head and scolded, "Bad Emma, you're really bad."

Wrapping her arms around the other woman's neck to pull her down for a kiss, Emma said, "Now all we have to do is find someone for Jesse."



Created on ... April 29, 2003