The Tenth Muse1

The second that Brennan walked in the door, he knew something was up. Glancing around the luxurious room, he found a fireplace going on the far wall and soft strains of acoustic guitar lingering in the warm air. He should've been suspicious when Adam had told Shalimar that she didn't need to come along. Shalimar always went to retrieve new mutants, it was just her thing.

Walking into the center of the room, Brennan tossed his bag onto one of the cushioned chairs as he continued to look around. There was also a large bed, wooden bureau, writing desk, and comfy looking loveseat by the fire. All in all, it was pretty much exactly what he'd described to Adam as one of his fantasies. It was a pretty simple fantasy and he worried that it showed Adam just how unsophisticated he was.

All he really wanted was somewhere warm and quiet where they could be alone to make love, slowly. Without worrying about interruptions, crises, life or death situations, or the end of the world as they knew it. Cuddling also featured pretty heavily in the scenario. So did going out to dinner somewhere or being a tourist together, as a couple. Not to mention the whole being free from Genomex for at least a few hours. Bringing his communications ring up, he asked, "Adam? Where are you?"

"Still checking us in," Adam reported. "Be right up."

"Okay," Brennan agreed, still bemused by his surroundings.

Shrugging out of his leather jacket, he tossed it on top of his bag and stood there, waiting for Adam. It wasn't that the room was delicate or anything, it was definitely decorated with men in mind, but he was afraid to get it dirty. The door opened behind him and Brennan turned to find his lover looking at him from the doorway. When Adam made no move to close the door or enter the room further, Brennan flushed and asked, "What?"

A warm smile blossomed as Adam replied, "Nothing. Just admiring the view."

"Adam, what is going on?" Brennan demanded, unable to quite stifle the smile the older man's words provoked.

Finally, Adam closed the door and crossed the distance between them. "Just doing what I can to fulfill your fantasy. It's not like you ever ask for anything. And when you did, I just couldn't resist."

"Resist?" Brennan questioned.

"We are officially off duty for the next thirty-six hours."

Jaw dropping, Brennan asked, "What about the new mutant we're bringing in?"

Reaching up, Adam grasped Brennan's sweater and pulled the taller man down. When their lips were barely separated, he murmured, "What new mutant?"

The kiss was slow, deep and wet. By the time Adam pulled away, Brennan was barely able to form a coherent thought, so when Adam pushed him towards the fireplace, he went. He hovered in front of the heat, soaking it in like a sponge. After a few moments, Adam came up behind him and wrapped his arms around Brennan's waist, lacing their fingers together. They stood like that for several minutes before Adam silently maneuvered him to the loveseat.

Adam arranged them so that he was leaning back against the sofa and Brennan sat between his legs. Pulling Brennan back so that he was lying down more than sitting, Adam said, "This time is just for us. I left Shalimar in charge and gave strict orders not to contact us unless the world was ending. And even then, only if they couldn't handle it. When you told me what you wanted, I knew I had to do whatever I could to make it come true. You're always there for everyone else and never ask for anything in return. So consider me your willing slave for the next thirty-six hours."

Smiling faintly, Brennan brought one of Adam's hands up to his lips, kissing it gently. "Tempting, but no. I definitely don't need a slave. Just you."

Pressing his lips to the back of Brennan's throat, Adam asked softly, "How do you do that?"

"Do what?" Brennan asked curiously, craning his neck aruond to meet Adam's gaze.

"Make me feel like the only person in your world."

Smiling for real, Brennan half turned so he could look up at his lover and answered, "Because you are."

"Brennan," Adam whispered before delving in for another, eternal kiss. When he pulled back, Adam traced a finger along the kiss-swollen lips and said, "I love you, Brennan Mulray."

Brennan stared at Adam for a long time, unable to form a response. He'd been in love with Adam for months before they'd become lovers. But Adam had always insisted that they couldn't be more than friends who had sex. Their lives were too dangerous to form those kinds of attachments.

It didn't matter to Brennan, of course, he knew from personal experience that life was too short not to love. But he respected Adam's wishes and hadn't mentioned his feelings ever again. Not since the first night they were together. When he could finally speak, Brennan asked, "Since when?"

"I don't know for sure, but when I saw you lying on the floor of that woman's apartment, near death, I thought I might go insane if I lost you." Adam snorted a little and continued, "I think Shalimar thought I was going to do something drastic. Of course, as soon as I picked you up, insisting that no one else touch you, that I would bring you back to Sanctuary, well that told Shalimar all she needed to know. Hence her help in arranging this little get-away. We should probably tell the others when we get back, if Shalimar hasn't already."

Brennan nodded vaguely, still trying to remember being carried by Adam. "You carried me?"

Kissing the tip of Brennan's nose, Adam nodded. "My only thought was to get you away from that woman as quickly as possible and heal you. I knew that it was her pheromones that caused your defection but I was...lost, and jealous, and heartsick at the thought that you were sharing her bed. I wanted you to be only with me. I haven't felt that since, well, for a very long time. That's when I realized it was love."

"Good," Brennan said simply. "It's always been love for me."

"You're amazing."

Flushing, Brennan shook his head. "You're insane."

Grinning, Adam agreed, "Probably, but my observation skills are as acute as ever. Not only do you not take the opportunity to say 'I told you so,' you somehow make me feel completed and whole for the first time in a long time with just a few words. I don't know who made you feel like you don't deserve to be loved, Brennan, but I intend to spend the rest of your life proving that you do deserve it and more."

"Oh God," Brennan moaned, hiding his face against Adam's chest.

Alarmed, Adam demanded, "What's wrong?"

Looking up again, Brennan exclaimed, "You're going to spend the rest of our time together making me blush, aren't you?"

Chuckling, Adam tightened his arms and said, "Not the whole time. Though I can think of some interesting experiments to see just how much of your body blushes."

Echoing the laughter, Brennan ordered, "No experiments! I absolutely forbid it!"

The laughter died out naturally and Brennan settled back in Adam's arms, enjoying the older man's strength. Relishing the nearly full-body contact of his lover, the quiet cheer of their surroundings, and the distinct lack of danger, Brennan sighed in contentment. This was definitely the stuff fantasies were made of.



Created on ... April 29, 2003