The Tenth Muse1

rating: R

spoilers: none

series: none

website: www.geocities.com/the_tenth_muse1/

summary: Brennan catches Jesse somewhere embarrassing.

warnings: just language. a harmless bit o'fluff.

disclaimers: not mine, never will be, not making any money off this. honest!


"This is not funny."

"Yeah, Jess, it is."

Glaring from his position half in and half out of the wall, Jesse exclaimed, "Brennan! Stop laughing at me!"

"I'm not laughing. I was…clearing my throat," Brennan said hastily.

Aggravated, Jesse snapped, "Just get Adam, would you?"

Brennan shouted, "Adam!"

"I could have done that, you dick! Go get him!"

Brennan's lips twitched. "I don't know, Jess, I don't think you should be left alone like this."

"You're laughing again."

"No I'm not."

"That was a definite smirk."

Shrugging, Brennan admitted, "Smirking is a possibility, but I was not laughing."

"Gah! Brennan! Stop being an asshole and get help!" Jesse ordered furiously.

Coming closer, Brennan took a good look at the way Jesse was materialized and shook his head. "Like Adam will be able to unstick you from the wall?"

Desperate, Jesse exclaimed, "He might!"

Brennan shook his head again and said, "Doubt it. Besides, he and Shal went out, remember? That runaway?"


"Oh come on, it could be worse."


"You could be stuck halfway outside the mountain, legs dangling in the air," Brennan pointed out. "And what were you doing phasing inside anyhow?"


Interest piqued, Brennan observed, "You're blushing. What were you doing?"


"Let's see. What's around here that you'd want to spy on?" Brennan mused, grinning flat out.

Getting more aggravated, Jesse stated, "Brennan, either help me out, or leave."

"You know, the only thing around here is the sleeping quarters. More specifically, mine."

Jesse swallowed and shrugged, or, tried to. His right arm was stuck in the wall and he could only halfway do it. "So?"

Arching an eyebrow at him, Brennan asked, "So maybe you were spying on me?"

"Of course not! I wouldn't do that," Jesse exclaimed.

Brennan stepped the rest of the way forward and said, "And maybe you got spooked when I left the shower because I forgot my clothes, buck naked, and probably almost caught you?"

Weakly, Jesse shook his head. "No, that's not it."

Certain now, Brennan cupped his face. "If it did, I wouldn't be ticked or anything. I'd be flattered."

Shock displayed across Jesse's face. "You would?"

"Yep," Brennan agreed. "And we all know that your emotions tie in to how well you can phase, so there's no need to feel guilty about what you were doing."

Jesse groaned when Brennan licked at his lips, then abruptly fell forward into the bigger man's arms.

Grinning, Brennan steadied him and said, "See? Problem solved."

Jesse snorted. "You didn't have to be so sadistic about it."

"Hey. Who's the peeping Tom, here?"

Blushing a little more, Jesse asked, "You really don't mind?"

"Nah. Next time, just knock."



Created on ... April 29, 2003