Too Late

Rating: G

Pairing: Shalimar/Emma

Series: Two Hearts

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters; all rights go to those who do. I am just using them.


The next morning I headed to the kitchen with a heavy heart. I only hope that she was there so I could apologize for what I did to her last night. As I enter the room I see Brennan and Jess sitting at the table with their bowls of cereal and their morning conversation. They both turned to me when I entered the room and wave hello. I wave back to them with a pleasant smile, and ask if any of them had seen Emma this morning. Both of them looked a little confused.

"Shal we haven't seen Emma since last night. Is she missing?"

"No Bren, I just wanted to talk to her, that's all."

"I'm sure she'll turn up here shortly. Come eat with us!"

"No way, not until you learn to talk without your mouth full, Jess!"


"She's right man; you really do need to work on that! It's not the most attractive quality, if you know what I mean."

"Oh, and I suppose picking your nose is proper etiquette where you come from?"

"Okay boys, we have established that you both have manners you need to work on, but I really do need to find Emma; so I will see you later."

"Bye Shal!" They both say simultaneously as I exited the room and reconvened my search.

A quick sweep of the Sanctuary only leads me to the lab; where I again, come up empty handed. Adam passes me a couple of times; asking me if I'm alright. I simply ignore him and decide to try one more place.

I walk down the hall, sensing an odd silence coming from Emma's room. The unfamiliar vibe sends my body into confusion. As I cautiously enter her space I am shocked to see the lifeless body of my friend lying on the floor.

My heart is sent flying out of my chest, as I rush to her side to see if she is still alive. I call out to Adam for help, but have suddenly lost the ability of speak. With out even thinking about what to do next, I scoop her into my arms and rush her to where the boys were sitting, unaware of the horror I am about to bestow upon them.

"Help me, someone help me please; she isn't breathing!"

All three of them jump up from the table and scurry to my side, only to take her out of my arms and into the medical lab.

"Shal what happened?"

"Adam I don't know, I just found her lying in her room. God, she's not breathing, is she dead?" "I need to know what she took, if I'm going to help her!"

Jess runs rapidity out of the room, only to return moments later with a small, brown pill bottle.

"It looks like she overdosed on sleeping pills."

"She still breathing, but I need to pump her stomach. Everyone outside, I will come get you when I'm done!"




Created on ... May 05, 2003